The First Thing Recruiters Look For in A CV At First Glance

on Thursday, 2 May 2013
The job market is filled with people who are searching for employment. Think for a minute about all the prospects who are applying for the very same job. They all go through the same process which includes sending a resume to the prospective employer. The fact is that the average recruiter merely gives the resume a quick glance before deciding if the prospect is worth an interview. Consequently, it is vital to organize the resume to attract immediate attention. The resume must look attractive enough for the recruiter to keep on reading. Here is the first thing recruiters look for in a CV at first glance.

The prospect must start to think like an online marketer. They are the product. It is their objective to crawl out of the resume pile and get that interview. Even before reading the resume recruiters look at the overall attractiveness of the resume. They quickly scan their eye over the format, layout, paper, fonts, organization, and appearance in general. Consequently, it is important that the paper looks and feels substantial. The layout and fonts should look professional. This is not the time to design your own resume. It will pay dividends in the future to submit professionally created resumes to prospective employers.

Contact Information
Next, recruiters move to the contact information that is contained in the resume. The most important information is the applicant's name, address, and telephone number, in this section. It is surprising, the number of applicants who omit important contact information. Contact information demonstrates that the applicant is a real person and is easy to contact for more information. For example, the recruiter pays particular information to email and telephone numbers. Failing to include this might interfere with getting an interview.

Work Experience 
Recruiters scan the work experience section on the resume looking for relevant information that will convince them that you are perfect for the job opening. Write down the most striking details of the jobs held. The details should match what the recruiter is searching for in an applicant. Those with a very long work history should concentrate on the last few jobs held. Those fresh out of college should include relevant volunteer work and part time jobs.

The CV is an important marketing tool that should be designed to find the right job. Job hunting is a marketing campaign. The resume is the tool that should open the door to career opportunities.


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