on Thursday 11 July 2013
Those who have a passion in studying medicine may be interested in attending one of the top universities around the world that offer medical programs. By attending one of these top-notch schools, you can be guaranteed that you are learning the best and most up-to-date methods for treating different illnesses, performing surgeries and more by working with some of the best medical doctors in the business. Your medical career first starts by finding a program that best fits your needs. By opting to attend one of these top 5 universities, you are sure to find an excellent program that will teach everything from the basics to advanced medical procedures.

Harvard University

Each year, Harvard University enrolls around 700 students in their medical program. Located in Boston, Massachusetts, this ivy league university is known around the world as one of the best out there. Harvard Medical School students study for 2 years before beginning their clinicals.

Students are evaluated by pass or fail grades rather than on a letter-scale as some other universities grade by. The average full-time tuition at Harvard University Medical School is $49,875.
Nurses can usually find employment in a wide variety of settings, including schools, hospitals, substance abuse treatment centers and other types of medical facilities. Some nurses can even join the military and work in military settings. No matter the setting that a nurse works in, his or her main responsibility is to provide care to patients. Sometimes, the patients nurses take care of babies, young children and/or adults. The type of nurse that a person becomes will dictate the atmosphere he or she works in as well as the patients he or she works with.

Working Long Hours

Nurses tend to work long hours. Some are able to find employment in places where they work three, 12-hour shifts each week. Others are able to secure employment working part-time. In emergency room settings, many times, nurses are asked to work overtime.

Types of Nurses

Pediatric nurses spend their time working with small children. Neonatal nurses usually work with infants who have been born prematurely as well as children who suffer from some type of severe medical condition.

What Does a LVN Do?

If a person does not want to become a Registered Nurse, it is still possible to become a nurse by becoming a Licensed Vocational Nurse; this type of nurse is not granted the ability to carry out a wide range of duties. Instead, only a small amount of basic duties can be carried out, including changing bedpans and checking patients' vital signs. With proper training, some LVNs are allowed to draw blood.

Choosing to follow the career path of a nurse can lead to a very rewarding career. From great job stability to extremely good pay to exceptionally good health insurance benefits, this occupational field is one that tends to be very satisfying. There are many resources online to help you and nursing job websites such as Team24 and Team24 Private Nursing.

on Friday 5 July 2013
Technology has made the medical profession considerably easier for its practitioners and has allowed them to diagnose diseases that previously would have been too late to cure or treat. Here are some essential piece of medical technology:

X-ray Machine

Though it’s been in use for many years, the X-ray machine is still invaluable. There are several types of X-rays. Radiography type X-rays are used by dentists to see the structure of their patients’ teeth. Mammography X-rays the breasts to search for tumors or other abnormalities. Tomography X-rays the patients one section at a time. Radiotherapy uses X-rays to kill cancer cells, and fluoroscopy can show the medical professional what's happening in the patient’s body in real time. A barium enema that aids in examining the gastrointestinal tract is an example of a fluoroscopy X-ray.


This machine helps a medical professional detect abnormalities in the function of the heart. Electrodes are attached to the chest, the arms and the legs and the heart’s electrical waves are recorded on electrocardiogram graph paper. A technician can then read and interpret the waves that appear on the graph paper.

Laparoscopic Surgery

In this type of surgery, a tiny camera and light is inserted into the surgical site and an image is projected on a monitor that guides the doctor. Because of this, the doctor doesn’t need to make large incisions and can use miniaturized tools to operate. This reduces much of the risk of surgery to the patient. Laparoscopic surgery is used in everything from bariatric surgery to surgery on the joints and the spinal column.


This device also uses a tiny camera and a light to examine the length of the colon for signs of abnormalities. In this way, any potential colon cancer can be caught early, while it’s still curable.


Lasers are focused beams of light that are becoming more and more popular for medical procedures. Lasers can vaporize tissue with very little bleeding. They can be used to remove cataracts and to correct refractive errors in the eye as in LASIK surgery. They can also be used in cosmetic surgery to remove wrinkles, scars and sun damage and to stimulate the body into rejuvenating the skin by producing more collagen. Lasers can also be used to break up kidney and gallstones.

Improvements in medical technology continue and are eagerly awaited by both doctors and patients.